This function triggers the c code for the categorical method
maxCOI = 25,
threshold_ind = 20,
threshold_site = 20,
totalrun = 10000,
burnin = 1000,
M0 = 15,
e1 = 0.05,
e2 = 0.05,
err_method = 1,
path = getwd(),
output = "output.txt",
thin = 1
data | An R data frame of SNP calling information. Row names are names of samples and column names are names of assays. |
maxCOI | Upper bound for COI. The default is 25. |
threshold_ind | The minimum number of sites for a sample to be considered. The default is 20. |
threshold_site | The minimum number of samples for a locus to be considered. The default is 20. |
totalrun | The total number of MCMC iterations. The default is 10000. |
burnin | The total number of burnin iterations. The default is 1000. |
M0 | Initial COI. The default is 15. |
e1 | The probability of calling heterozygous loci homozygous. The default is 0.05. |
e2 | The probability of calling homozygous loci heterozygous. The default is 0.05. |
err_method | The default is 1. 1: use pre-specified e1 and e2 and treat them as constants. 2: use likelihood-free sampling for e1 and e2; 3: e1 and e2 are estimated with COI and allele frequencies |
path | The default is the current directory. |
output | The name of output file. The default is output.txt. |
thin | Numeric for how much the chain is thinned. Default = 1, means every iteration is written to file. If it was 0.1 then every 10th iteration is written to file |
return summary of output as data.frame