List for vector adaptations relating to oocyst success
vector_adaptation_flag = FALSE,
local_oocyst_advantage = 0.5,
gametocyte_sterilisation_flag = FALSE,
gametocyte_sterilisation = 0.5,
oocyst_reduction_by_artemisinin = 0.2
Vector of integers detailing which loci in the barcode correspond to the vector adaptation phenotype
Boolean are we doing vector adaptation.
Numeric for probability that non adapated parasites will get through. Default = 0.5
Boolean for whether we are doing gametocye sterilisation as a result from artemisinin. Default = FALSE
Numeric for theimpact of artemisinin on male gametocytes. Default = 0.5, which causes the probability that a wild type male gametocyte will be chosen to be in oocysts is halved.
Numeric for reduction in oocyst under artemisinin drug pressure. default = 0.2